
Smart switch for mac .dmg image not recognized air
Smart switch for mac .dmg image not recognized air

What is the use of wireless devices if one must shut them off, restrict said features, or move them away from the location that they’re needed?Īs an aside, I have no idea why Apple decided to put their Bluetooth card, Wifi card, and USB 3.0 ports within the same couple-square-inches of one another, but I felt like if any interference was to blame for the abysmal range of my peripherals, it was likely on the inside of the Macbook itself - not much I could do about that. In the age of wireless routers, multi-device users, and smart homes flaunting myriad other electronics, many of the suggestions I found were wildly impractical or simply unrealistic. It definitely was not going to bring about the 10-20x increase I needed just to get into the ballpark of what I would consider acceptable. At best, such efforts *might* have helped with unstable hot-spots or fluctuating connection strength - in theory, they may have even added a couple feet to the coverage radius - but it was hard to tell if that was just anamolous good luck or a result of my efforts.

smart switch for mac .dmg image not recognized air

Desktop advice is approximately useless to us laptop owners, and several attempts at reducing interference produced minimal results.


Web searches almost exclusively turned up almost guides for Mac Pro (the desktops) or some long-winded crap about how to minimize RF interference. I was getting absolutely horrendous range (< 3 feet) on ALL of my devices but only when they were paired to my Mac.

smart switch for mac .dmg image not recognized air

There seems to be a lot of people trying to figure out how to accomplish this seemingly simple task, but not that many offering working solutions, so I decided to add to the cause. Background: After much searching and digging through outdated forums and support threads (usually peppered with snide, and unhelpful commentary), I managed to successfully set-up a Bluetooth dongle on my Macbook.

Smart switch for mac .dmg image not recognized air